Archive for the ‘learning’ Category

The importance of reding Open Sources code.

Unless genius, most writers would have read hundreds of books before actually writing any. Most movie directors watch hundreds of movies before making any. Likewise, reading good code should be a precondition to write good software.

Know Ruby (& Rails) Well

You should understand the following before
delving too deeply into complex helpers and
y FormBuilders:

  1. Enumerable (inject, select, reject, map, etc)
  2. Basic Ruby programming techniques (instance/class/module_ eval, define_method, etc)
  3. ActiveSupport ( returning, constantize , etc)

When V is for Vexing: Patterns to DRY Up Your Views

Learning while doing :

I read this inspiring post today :

  • seek out internships like your life depends on it.
  • Participate in local user groups.
  • Contribute to an open-source project.
  • Publish articles.
  • Start a blog.

Other good points :

  • Learn, learn, learn.
  • Hang out with programmers who are better than you.
  • Learning while doing.
  • User groups and mailing lists.

Reminder : Migrate supports values

basic data types :

  1. :string
  2. :text
  3. :decimal
  4. :integer
  5. :float
  6. :datetime
  7. :timestamp
  8. :date
  9. :time
  10. :binary
  11. :boolean

My new LOTY (Language of the year)

Last year i choose Ruby as my language of the year, i had been learning ruby from September. This year i going to choose Erlang, probably a start in July.

I was researching among several languages. finally, i choose Erlang over Lisp. I think is going to be easy and funiest learn Erlang than Lisp. I don’t have arguments to defend this opinion, just a feeling.

Erlang is a general-purpose programming language and runtime environment. Erlang has built-in support for concurrency, distribution and fault tolerance. Erlang is used in several large telecommunication systems from Ericsson. The most popular implementation of Erlang is available as open source from the open source erlang site.